Bengaluru: The judicial custody of popular actor Darshan and other accused in a case has been extended by a Bengaluru court until August 14, according to the latest news updates on August 2, 2024. The actor and several others were arrested in connection with a legal matter and have been in custody since then.
The court’s decision to extend the judicial custody comes after a hearing where the prosecution presented its case against the accused. The accused will now remain in custody for an additional time period as the legal proceedings continue.
Darshan, a well-known actor in the entertainment industry, has a large fan following and his arrest has caused quite a stir among his supporters. The reasons behind his arrest have not been disclosed, but it is believed to be related to a case that is currently under investigation.
While the judicial custody has been extended, there has been no further information provided about the progress of the case or any potential developments. As the case continues to unfold, Darshan and the other accused will have to wait until August 14 to learn more about their legal fate.
The news of Darshan’s extended custody has garnered attention from media outlets and fans alike, with many eagerly awaiting updates on the case. The actor’s future in the entertainment industry remains uncertain as the legal proceedings play out. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.
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